
Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Crazy Athlete of the Week

I know it's only Tuesday but check out this story! We have a winner and a record setter for fastest in the week to win the award. Also of note, this is the first non NFL player to win this award... Somewhere Roger Goodell is wetting his pants with excitement.

This is a really tragic story so I won't make any (more)jokes about it.

Check back for more NBA Draft coverage, all the latest on baseball and why we're not fooled by the Rangers hot streak, more crazy athletes and whatever else we feel like bullying you about.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really thought about making this the crazy athlete of the week but decided against it because biting cops and making it rain are much more funny than killing your family, although the steriods angle could be funny. Well Linc you did it anyway and I'm proud of you.